Monday, October 26, 2015

Baltimore, Annapolis, Solomons, MD; Deltaville and Portsmouth, VA ( Oct 13—26)

Our time in Baltimore was very enjoyable.  The Fells Point area is a happening place with many interesting shops, bars and restaurants, and neat old row houses.  The cobbled streets give it an old world feel, but are a pain to navigate.  The people we met in Havre de Grace gave us some excellent recommendations for places to eat.  One of the best was Gertrude’s which is located in the Baltimore Museum of Art next to Johns Hopkins University.  We had Saturday Brunch there then stayed to visit
the museum with its extensive collection of European and American art from the 15th to 20th centuries.  On Sunday the 18th we rented a car and drove to the suburbs for some major reprovisioning in anticipation of our upcoming trek to our winter home in New Bern, NC.

Prior to our departure on Monday a diver installed new zincs and cleaned the bottom and running gear.  We then moved on to Annapolis where we met friends from Pittsburgh.  Renee is the widow of Jim’s best friend since the 5th grade and was in town for the boat show with her friend Ray.  We had a great time together enjoying the dining opportunities and looking at a boat Ray is considering buying.  Our slip was next to the Annapolis Yacht Club and dinner there was outstanding.

Jim, Debby, Renee, Ray
(note the adoration of the Captain)

 Renee and Ray left us Wednesday.  That morning we hosted Tom and Karen Hanrahan.  They live in town and own a boat identical to ours.  They still work, but plan on doing more extensive cruising in the near term and wanted to compare notes.  A pleasant couple, we spent an enjoyable few hours together. That evening we were joined by our friends from the DC area, Steve and Georgia Fortune.  Another great meal and fun conversation at the AYC.

Steve, Debby, Georgia, Jim
Annapolis Yacht Club

Our trip is winding down now.  We stopped for overnights in Solomons. MD and Deltaville, VA and are now in Portsmouth across the river from Norfolk.  We have 3 travel days to get to Oriental, NC.  We want to be there for the Halloween weekend, but weather conditions may make that difficult.  Even though we will be in the protected Intra Coastal Waterway, Albemarle and Pamlico Sounds can be nasty with any kind of wind blowing and for the next few days it will blow 15-20 kts.  

Sunset over the Patuxent River
Solomons, MD